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Waves of Wisdom
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Journaling everyday perspectives one word at a time.

Time Travel


In an AHA flash, journaling lived experience through Waves of Wisdom will now appear as Living Waves. As it turns out, life doesn’t stop to wait while we wonder. Instead, one moment merges into the next to invigorate momentum for a lifelong journey…

By joining in boundless living stories of public freedom I was led to uncover the pivotal point in which our aspirations sink, swim, or surf: Moving through life-altering currents depends on whether or not we have what we need in our reach to treasure a solid ground, both imagined and achieved.

So how do we travel through these moments of time?

Picturing individuals overlooking the ridge beyond

For me, sharing in the experience of everyday life enables my living practice to grow. Each direction taken together provides a possibility in connecting to another. By directly participating in lifestyle conflicts, I reciprocate an understanding of the elements expressed. Providing care of, and support for, another’s need fulfillment, I share in the aspiration of creating a self-directed difference.

Improvising the lived experience of another point of view…is another story.

Interpreting the experience of everyday encounters, often relayed from a state of vulnerability by way of unmet needs, acts as that pivotal point in determining directional outcomes. When our messages are misinterpreted, our perspective is disillusioned. We are expected to live indifferent to our realities. When our messages are received, our perspective is illuminated. We are striving to differentiate reality together.

While it may feel impossible at times, our travels are living proof of our truth.

My compassion takes me through journeys I can only imagine but will always believe. Stories gathered and grown through practice provide me with ways to relate and means to meaning. From my experience, turning dreams into realities embodies more potential than alluding to truths as falsehoods. It’s the difference that signals our potential.

Now, I’ve been called in a lot of ways but most often in the nature of being out of this world. This tells me that I am illuminating a connection aspired but not attained, as though I provide a door into an ambitious reality. No wonder I find myself generally above and beyond established expectations. Taking part in life is a fluid process of twists and turns, being tied to a set of rails only works in a world of linear conformity.

As a self-care directive, requesting aid in moving through a conflict conditional to our way of life requires reciprocation. In return, we enter that pivotal point when what we relay is to be regarded, or not to be regarded. Provisions in question would supply us with the perceived ability to travel: Has our means for survival been taken away, are we nourished enough to keep floating, or buoyed through changing tides?

In the experience of everyday encounters, life becomes a series of living waves.

Our ups and downs enlighten who we are and where we want to go. We uncover a map of moving through vulnerability into vitality, through adversity into achievement, through calamity into celebration. Not only will time tell you that one moment leads to the next while every flash of illumination creates the lifelong capacity to fulfill.

This summer We will open doors of inspiration…

Leading to an alternative strategy in realizing our full potential through the experience of, and expectations from, everyday encounters. Stay tuned and in touch with TEM for Living Waves from a public inquiry into our collective right to and freedom for life, liberty, and security.

Life doesn’t stop to wait. Why should we?



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Waves of Wisdom
Journaling everyday perspectives one word at a time. New posts are added weekly.
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Vitality Surfer
Engaging life’s joys and challenges one wave at a time. New episodes are added monthly.
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